What is this?

Having been furloughed during this pandemic I found myself delving into Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
I originally created this as a simple personal tool I could leave open on my phone to help me clarify which fish/insects are worth catching in the current month, I then expanded it to also track what I have donated to Blathers.

How do I use it?

Click one of those icons at the top to go to fish/insects for the current month.
Once there you will find that they are sorted from most to least valuable.
Clicking on a creature will bring up a dialogue providing information on the availabilty and how to catch them. You can also mark then as donated at which point a blathers stick will appear next to the picture helping you keep track of what is new.
If you wish to view another month to see what is coming up you can click the arrows besides the displayed month's name to go to the next or previous month.
You can now also find a button to toggle between north/south hemisphere on the fish/insect pages.

I have feedback!

Drop me a message on twitter and I'll do what I can.

My thirst for knowledge is unquenched

Still here?
You can find the github repository here.